Danube station 40


River marker km:
Docking order:
Left bank
River marker km:
Docking order:
Left bank
  • River marker km: 2078,9
  • Bank: Left bank
  • Docking order: 35

The municipality of Grein is located in a small bay at the entrance of the "Strudengau", a 25 km long narrow valley of the Danube. The Danube station is very centrally located right next to the "Flösser monument" (rafter monument). The city can be explored by foot from there, but it is also an ideal starting point for bus trips.

Plan your route

Grein, Danube station 40 Grein, Danube station 40

The Grein City Theater is the oldest secular theater in Austria, which has been preserved in its original form. A tour of the Greinburg Castle with its stone theater should not be missing in the program. The Upper Austrian Shipping Museum provides a historical overview of the river shipping system. After the sightseeing, the famous "Biedermeier Café" called "Blumensträußl" or the coffeehouse "Schörgi" beneath the station no. 3 invite you to linger. Also worth seeing is the nearby Clam Castle (10 minutes by bus), where Earl Carl Philip Clam-Martinic will personally welcome you (reservation necessary).

Information for captains

This is where you can download important information such as rules for operators, technical details, equipment and facilities.

Where we are!

Donau Schiffsstationen GmbH
A-3313 Wallsee
Ufer 50, Austria

How to contact us!

T +43 7433 2591


Mon. - Thur.: 08:00 - 17:00
Fri.: 08:00 - 13:00

We are competent contacts for moorings, but do NOT operate our own shipping!

Are you a ship captain and would you like to log into LändRIS?

Check your moorings and the current Danube water levels.

LändRIS log-in