Danube station 13
River marker km: 2027,567 |
Docking order: 12m |
Bus access |
Bank: Right bank |
Facilities: Pontoon - Lower Austria |
River marker km: 2027,567 |
Docking order: 12m |
Bank: Right bank |
Facilities: Pontoon - Lower Austria |
Bus access |
- River marker km: 2027,567
- Bank: Right bank
- Docking order: 12m
- Facilities: Pontoon - Lower Austria
- Bus access
Aggsbach-Dorf lies downstream from Melk at the heart of the Wachau region and provides an excellent alternative to the Danube stations in Melk, particularly during the busiest periods. The Danube station is just a stone's throw from 'Hotel Donauterrasse'.